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'Who Cares': Reflections on the International-level Advocacy Work of the Unpaid Care Work Programme (2012-2015)

IDS Evidence Report

Journal Articles

COVID-19 and a 'Crisis of Care': A Feminist Analysis of Public Policy Responses to Paid and Unpaid Care and Domestic Work (2022)

[with E. Camilletti], International Labour Review, 161:2

Impact of social protection on gender equality in low‐and middle‐income countries: A systematic review of reviews (2022)

[C. Perera, S. Bakrania, A. Ipince, O. Obasola, D. Richardson, J. Van de Scheur, R. Yu], Campbell Collaboration, 18:2

Gender, Sexuality and Development: Revisiting and Reflecting (2016)

[withJ. Edwards], IDS Bulletin, 47:2

Policy Advocacy for Women's Unpaid Care Work: Comparing Approaches and Strategies in Nepal and Nigeria (2015)

[with D. Chopra, P. Ekeoba, R. Moussie and M. Sherpa], Gender & Development, 22:3

Book Chapters

How can social protection address women's unpaid care work? (2019)

in OECD (2019) Enabling Women's Economic Empowerment: New Approaches to Unpaid Care Work in Developing Countries (OECD: Paris)

Gender, Sexuality and Work: A Case Study of Female Live-in Domestic Workers in Nigeria (2011)

in Toyin Falola and Bessie House-Soremekun (eds.) Gender, Sexuality and Mothering in Africa (Africa World Press)


Policy Reports & BRIEFS

Leveraging social assistance to strengthen women’s and girls’ climate resilience: What is the potential, and what are promising program designs? (2024)

[with M. Hidrobo, V. Mueller, E. Bryan, P. Laderach and S. Roy]. Policy Brief for CGIAR Initiative on Fragility, Conflict, and Migration. (Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute)

How Gender-responsive Age-sensitive Social Protection is Related to the Climate Crisis: A summary of the evidence (2023)

Innocenti Research Report (UNICEF Innocenti – Global Office of Research and Foresight)


Promoting gender-transformative change through social protection: An analytical approach (2022)

[with E. Camilletti and R. Subrahmanian], Innocenti Research Report(UNICEF Innocenti – Global Office of Research and Foresight)

Mainstreaming gender into social protection strategies and programmes: Evidence from 74 low- and middle-income countries (2021)

[with E. Camilletti, T.P. Cookson, R. Sandoval, S. Staab and C. Tabbush], UNICEF Innocenti, (UNICEF: Florence)


Qualitative case study on social cash transfers and livelihood support in Lesotho: Country Case Study Report  (2018)

[with Pamela Pozarny], FAO, (FAO: Rome)

Preliminary impact study: The use of Safeboda for women's improved mobility and empowerment in Kampala (2017)

[with Erika Fraser], Report, (Shell Foundation: London)

Infrastructure: A Game-Changer for Women's Economic Empowerment (2017)

[with Susan Joekes] Briefing Note | Submission to the UN-Secretary-General’s High Level Panel on Women’s Economic Empowerment Working Groups (SDDirect: London)

Qualitative research on the impacts of social protection on rural women's economic empowerment - The Malawi Social Cash Transfer Programme: Country Case Study Report (2017)

[with Pamela Pozarny and Ana Paula de la O Campos] FAO, (FAO: Rome)

Emergency cash transfers and women's economic empowerment in post-earthquake Nepal (2017)

IIED Working Paper, (IIED: London)

Cash transfers during urban crises: lessons for women's economic empowerment (2017)

IIED Briefing Paper, (IIED: London)

Scoping Study on Customary Law and Women's Entrepreneurship (2017)

[with L. MacLean], BERF Evidence and Learning Note, (BERF: London)

Connecting Unpaid and Paid Care Work to Progress Gender Equality (2017)

IDS Policy Briefing, 130 (IDS: Brighton)

Building Alliances to Address Sexual and

Gender-based Violence (2015) 

IDS Policy Briefing, 105 (IDS: Brighton)


'They call me warrior': The legacy of conflict and the struggle to end sexual and gender-based violence in Sierra Leone (2015)

[with E. Mills, J.L Diggins and T. Mackieu], IDS Evidence Report, 155 (IDS: Brighton)

'Who Cares': Reflections on the International-level Advocacy Work of the Unpaid Care Work Programme (2012 - 2015)

[with D. Chopra], IDS Evidence Report, 157 (IDS: Brighton)

Making Care Visible: Influencing Story on Policy Change on Unpaid Care Work (2015)

[with S. Nazneen and V. Utari], IDS (IDS: Brighton)


Unpaid Care Work Programme: Uganda Progress Report (2012-14) (2015)

[with H. M. Apila], IDS Evidence Report, 126 (IDS: Brighton)


Engaging Men and Boys to End Sexual and Gender-based Violence in Sierra Leone: A Stakeholder Mapping Report, June 2014 (2015)

[with E. Mills and J. Diggins], IDS Evidence Report, 110 (IDS:Brighton)


Men in Collective Action on SGBV in Kenya: A Case Study (2014)

[with J. Edström, C. Izugbara, P.E Otieno, M. Granvik and S. Matindi], IDS Evidence Report, 70 (IDS: Brighton)


The Shifting Roles of Men in Collective Action on SGBV in Kenya: Report of a Movement and Influence Mapping Workshop, Nairobi, 3-5 July 2013 (2014)

[with J. Edström, C. Murgor, P.E. Otieno and C. Izugbara),IDS Evidence Report, 62 (IDS: Brighton)

Unpaid Care Work Programme: Nepal Progress Report (2012-13) (2014)

[with D. Chopra], IDS Evidence Report, 54 (IDS: Brighton)


Country Progress Report (2012-2013): Nigeria (2013)

[with D. Chopra], IDS Evidence Report, 46 (IDS: Brighton)

Blog Posts | guest articles

Gender norms, intersectionality and social protection: in conversation (2020)

ALiGN Platform

Grasping a more equal future - understanding age and gender in social protection (2020)

Development Pathways Blog

Caring in the time of Covid-19: Gender, unpaid care work and social protection (2020)

[with R. Subrahmanian] UNICEF: Evidence for Action

First Draft (2020)

The Republic

Reading Feminism: What to Read on Feminism (2018)

The Republic

The Road to Female Economic Empowerment: Thinking about women owned enterprises in Nigeria (2017)

The Republic

Cash transfers in urban crises: do they work for women? (2017)

IIED Urban Matters

Do more equitable divisions of caregiving contribute to lower rates of violence against women or children? (2015)

IDS Interactions


A timely report on fatherhood and caregiving (2015)

IDS Interactions 


Advocating for Care in the post-2015 agenda (2015)

IDS Blogs


Uncomfortable Spaces of Privilege’: Reflecting on the ‘Undressing Patriarchy, Redressing Inequalities Symposium (2013)

IDS Participation, Power and Social Change Blog


Reflections on Researching Domestic Workers in Lagos, Nigeria (2013)

Africa at LSE Blog

Church attacks in Northern Nigeria have added a new and bloody dimension to the intractable conflict with Boko Haram (2012)

Africa at LSE Blog


Domestic Workers in Nigeria (2012)

Natural Nigerian

Policing African Women’s Dress (2012)

Gender Across Borders


"Ungodly, Morally and Religiously Unacceptable": Homosexuality in Nigeria (2012)

Gender Across Borders


Beyond Numbers: Women’s Political Marginalisation in Nigeria (2012)

Gender Across Borders


Welcome to Lagos: A documentary that’s well overdue (2011)

The Global Urbanist

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